Arthur Hegg
Branch: U. S. Army
Status: Deceased Veteran
Date of Service: 1954-1955.
Home Town: Shevlin
Arthur Hegg
Arthur Hegg was born January 23, 1933 in Shevlin to Sigurd and Elise Sather Hegg. He grew up on a farm near Shevlin and attended country school at District 47 near Shevlin. He graduated from Bagley High School in 1951.
Art entered the Army in January of 1954 and was sent to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri for basic training. He attended advanced training to be an electronics technician, then spent his enlistment stationed in Germany. He received an honorable discharge in December of 1955.
Art was married 62 1/2 years to the former Mavis Lindom. He passed away on May 11, 2019 and is buried in the Clearwater Lutheran Cemetery near Shevlin.
Plot: 12 Side: South Row from Bottom: 2
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