Donald Kenneth Braaten

   Branch: U.S. Army Air Corps

   Rank: –

   Status: Living Veteran

   Date of Service: 1946-1947

   Home Town: Bagley

Donald Kenneth Braaten

Donald Kenneth Braaten was born April 7, 1927 in Pelican Rapids, Minnesota to Alfred and Rosie Siedel Braaten. He lived in Pelican Rapids until he was 10 years old, then moved to the Bagley area. He attended District 64 school near Bagley. 

He joined the Army Air Corps on March 26, 1946 and was sent to Buckley Field, Colorado for basic training. He was then sent to Okinawa where he helped maintain the motor pool for the troops. 

He received an honorable discharge in August, 1947.

Don presently lives in Bagley.


Plot: 8      Side: East       Row from Bottom: 1

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