Jerrod E. Melander

   Branch: U. S. Army

   Status: Active Duty Military

   Date of Service: 1995 – 

   Home Town: Elbow Lake, MN

Jerrod E. Melander

Jerrod Eugene Melander was born August 25, 1977 in Minneapolis to Jeff and Linda Melander. The son of a career military man, Jerrod grew up in Elbow Lake, Minnesota, Fort Worth, Texas, England, Colorado and North Carolina. He attended school in Elbow Lake, Minnesota and West Central High School in Lillington, North Carolina. Jeff graduated in June, 1995 from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. 

Jerrod became a member of the Army Corps of Engineers, LTC and saw duty at Fort Stewart, Georgia, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Kuwait, Hawaii plus two tours in Iraq. He was a member of the 3rd Infantry Division, XVIII ABN Corps in Korea and PACOM Pacific.

Jerrod presently lives in Hawaii.

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