Joseph "Bud" Sutherland
Branch: U. S. Army
Status: Deceased Veteran
Date of Service: 1946-47
Home Town: Bagley
Joseph “Bud” Sutherland
Joseph Alvin “Bud” Sutherland was born July 7, 1927 in Bliss, Nebraska to Joseph and Anna Sutherland. He grew up in Bagley and attended Bagley schools. He graduated from Bagley High school in 1945.
Bud entered the Army on January 22, 1946 and was sent to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri for training. After training as a Demolition Specialist he was stationed with the 1264th Engineer Combat Battalion, 1651st Engineer Detachment in Frankfurt, Germany. He received an honorable discharge on July 7, 1947.
Bud passed away on September 19, 2013 and is buried in Sawtooth Cemetery, Silver Bay, Minnesota.
Plot: 6 Side: South Row from Bottom: 1
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