Theodore Berglund Jr.
Branch: U. S. Army
Rank: Tech Sergeant
Status: Deceased Veteran
Date of Service: 1966-68 Vietnam Era
Home Town: Clearbrook
Theodore Berglund Jr.
Theodore Berglund Jr. (Ted) was born January 10, 1947 in Fosston, Minnesota to parents Ione Eunice (Halvorson) and Theodore Berglund. He grew up in Clearbrook and attended Clearbrook schools. He graduated from Eugene, Oregon in 1965.
Ted entered the Army on July 20, 1966 and was sent to Fort Lewis, Washington for basic training. He took advanced training as a clerk/typist at Fort Lewis as well. He spent his entire term of duty at Fort Lewis, and when he was honorably discharged on July 19, 1968 he was a Tech Sergeant (E-5).
Ted passed away on September 8, 2016 and is enurned at Bagley City Cemetery and at Silver Creek Cemetery near Clearbrook.
Plot: 3 Side: North Row from Bottom: 3
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